Tag Archives: fall p/t conferences

News of the Week—Oct 26-30

POPCORN WORDS:   IN   ALL   It was fun to see that we could make some new words by adding different letters to ALL and IN.   Our daily message does not just contain our weekly words but also includes popcorn words we have already learned. That makes reading the daily message so fun!  Our shared reading poem and book allowed us to read familiar popcorn words.  

COLOR WORD:    RAINBOW of colors

MATH: We continued to tell math stories (even using real candy corn pieces) to solve the answers to the math stories. For example:  I was given 3 pieces of corn candy.  My friend was given 2 pieces of corn candy. How many pieces of corn corn in all?”  3+2=5  We practiced writing tricky numbers 8 & 9 too. 

WRITING: We continued with our Show and Tell Unit.  At the beginning of the week the kinders wrote a pattern book about a leaf. We closely observed our individual leaves, noticing the shape and color.   We used the pattern, “This is a…”.  to write our pages about the stem, vein, color. I am so proud of how far the kinders have come in writing!  We start a new unit next week of writing personal narratives! 

LITERACY:  We practiced identifying rhyming words and identifying a word by hearing all of the sounds in words by playing a fall game.  Enjoy using your kinder’s Autumn House to practice letters and sounds and sight words with the papers sent home. We also worked on identifying b and d…they can be tricky letters to recognize. 

PHONICS:  We learned that knowing the alphabet chart well helps with writing.  We used what we have learned about letters & sounds to write more sounds in words and to write snap words.  We call our sight words either popcorn words or snap words because we can identify them quickly.  We met a friend of Mabel….Blue Bear. We worked together to sound out and write words to a story about Mabel and Blue Bear. 

HANDWRITING:  We continued using our Peterson Handwriting books to learn the correct way to write letters.  We will be keeping these books at school until we are finished with them. These are some of the letters we practiced…e,s,o,q.


SNACKS:  Please remember to send in 2 snacks for your kinder each day.  Don’t forget the water bottle! 🙂

WINTER GEAR:   Brrrr….our Michigan weather is changing quickly.   Please be sure to gather up those warmer coats, mittens, boots, hats and snow pants.  When it snows, this gear is mandatory to play outside.  When the snow arrives we do go outside and play!   However, if the temperature or wind chill get below freezing we do opt to stay inside. If anyone needs any help with getting these winter items PLEASE let me know.  Also, if your kinder needs new boots this season, please, please purchase boots with velcro closings NOT with tie up laces.  Keep in mind that the goal for all kinders to get their winter gear on and off independently. Label, Label, Label your kinder’s winter gear.  It will make it easier for me to know which black snow pants belong to your kinder.

CALENDARS:  Please refer to the NOVEMBER calendar that was sent home for events, birthdays, etc or view it at the top of the blog under CALENDARS.  The November lunch menu is also available on the Food Service website.

LUNCH:  Hot lunch is free for all students through the entire school year.  If your kinder orders milk with their home lunch that is a charge.


*Monday, Nov 2–MUSIC

*Tuesday, Nov 3—GYM;  School Pictures Retakes

*Wednesday, Nov 4—ART; Library…Bring back your library book, Homework packet due.   

*Thursday, Nov 5–STEAM  

 *Friday, Nov 6—MUSIC; celebrate Isabelle (11/7) & Jack (11/8) birthdays

*Friday, Nov 13–Fast Friday (early release) Dismiss at 12:15pm

*Nov 16 & 18–Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences and Book Fair.  Please check your inbox for an email about signing up for a day/time.

*Nov 25-Nov 27–NO SCHOOL. Thanksgiving Vacation