Tag Archives: home learning

Learning at Home—May 12

Good morning my wonderful kinders!  What can you do today that would make your family happy?  Be creative!  Today’s video: 

. We will have our weekly class ZOOM meeting tonight at 6:30pm.  I hope that you are able to join us.  We will do a  rhyming scavenger hunt and listen to a story.  Check your email for the link soon.

Kinders at Work: 

Today’s read aloud is The New Baby by Mercer Mayer.  Congratulations to Emmie and her family.  She is a big sister to a new little sister, Lainey Celine, who joined their family April, 28th at 3:45pm weighing 7 lbs 1 oz. 

Week 8 at HOME (May 11-15)

I hope that ALL mothers and grandmothers had a beautiful day yesterday.  You play such an important role in your kinder’s life.  I am so grateful for your work helping your kinder learn at home during this unexpected, challenging, stressful time.  I hope that you know you are LOVED and appreciated VERY MUCH!  

Below you will see what the kinders will be learning on Google Classroom this week. If you have any questions about how to access any of this, please send me an email.

Morning Message

Hello fabulous kinders!  Pick up your toys.  Put them away on the shelf.  Today is the perfect day to go outside and play.

Love, Mrs. Bohl

Popcorn Words:  today, play, away, up


  • I can fluently add and subtract within 5. For example: 1+4=5, 2+2=4, 5+0=5  OR 3-1=2, 5-3=2, 4-3=1
  • I can solve number stories.  For example:  I saw 2 red tulips in the garden.  Then I saw 2 yellow tulips.  How many tulips were in the garden all together? (4 tulips were in the garden).  OR  There were 5 robins looking for worms.  3 robins flew away.  How many robins were left?  (2 robins were left looking for worms.)


  • I can use my super powers to help me read a non-fiction book.   Journal Prompt:  What cheers you up when you feel upset? 
  • I can use all of the information on the page to help me learn.   Journal Prompt:  Learning at home makes me feel ____ because ______.
  • I can recognize that maps represent places.  


  • Monday – STEAM, the code is: kot3fis
  • Tuesday – GYM, the code is: fc5u2nq
  • Wednesday – MUSIC – the code is: w6us5ym
  • Thursday – ART, the code is: jcv3vln  


  • I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your effort, encouragement, and support during this learning at home time!  PLEASE reach out at any time if you ever have any questions!
  • When your kinder finishes an assignment in google classroom, please click the “turn in” button so we know they completed it.
  • May Morning Work and our May calendar are both located at the top of our blog for your use.   
  • I LOVE seeing the pictures of your kinder learning at home!  Be sure to check out our blog each day for learning at home pictures.
  • Please check out our district website for  HPS District Covid-19 Updates

Learning at Home—May 5

Good morning!  Today will be a great day!  Today’s video:

We will have our weekly class ZOOM meeting tonight at 6:30pm.  I hope that you are able to join us.  We will do a fun drawing together and listen to a story.  Check your email for the link soon.

Today’s read aloud is a fun book filled with rhymes called  Pugs in a Bug by Carolyn Crimi.

Week 7 at HOME—(May 4-8)

April Showers bring May flowers.  Mix in some beautiful days of sunshine and it was exciting to see flowers begin to bloom over this last week!  To be able to get outside and feel the sunshine gave my heart so much joy!  Mrs. Bohl enjoyed working in the backyard.  I hope you are enjoying some wonderful moments during these beautiful days! 

Morning Message:  Hello amazing kinders!  My heart is so full by watching all of you learn from home.  I am wishing each and every one of you a fabulous week!

Love, Mrs. Bohl

Popcorn Words:  bymyone


  • I can find all the number partners for numbers up to 10.  For example, these are a couple of number partners that equal 10:  1 + 9 = 10, 2 + 8 = 10, 3 + 7 = 10, and so on. 
  • I can solve number stories.  For example, if I saw 5 kites flying in the air and 1 fell down, how many kites were left flying in the air?  4 kites were left flying in the air. 


  • I can look at a Non-fiction book and tell what it is mostly about.  Journal Prompt: In the spring, I like to _____.
  • I can use Non-fiction feature power (bold words and labels).  Look for these features in a Non-fiction book.  Journal Prompt:  If I could be an animal, I would be a _____ because ____.
  • I can use Non-fiction feature power (headings, colored words).  Journal Prompt:  Write about one thing you have seen in spring and write a sentence or two about it.


  • Monday – STEAM, the code is: kot3fis
  • Tuesday – GYM, the code is: fc5u2nq
  • Wednesday – MUSIC – the code is: w6us5ym
  • Thursday – ART, the code is: jcv3vln  


  • I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your effort, encouragement, and support during this learning at home time!  PLEASE reach out at any time if you ever have any questions!
  • We have a Mother’s Day virtual project in the works.  Thank you to those who have sent me your kinder’s picture of them holding or making a heart with their hands!  If you haven’t sent me a picture please do so by Friday, May 8. 
  • May Morning Work and our May calendar are both located at the top of our blog for your use.   
  • I LOVE seeing the pictures of your kinder learning at home!  Be sure to check out our blog each day for learning at home pictures.
  • Please check out our district website for  HPS District Covid-19 Updates