Tag Archives: 100 day


DAY 100:  Wow!  Can you believe it? Today we celebrated 100 days of learning in kindergarten.  

All day long we did activities revolving around the number 100!  We read books, we made a special Day 100 hat and badge, we counted to 100, we played math games identifying 100 numbers, we showed our 100 collections, we did 100 exercises and so much more. 

100 COLLECTIONS: Thank you for helping your kinder collect and count 100 items!  They brought in fantastic, creative collections! 


How many times can you write your name in 100 seconds?  The kinders did just that!  They also wrote about what they would do if they had 100….???

100 DAY SNACK:  The kinders enjoyed a snack of 10 different items like chocolate chips, marshmallows, cereal, pretzels, butterscotch chips, goldfish crackers, raisins, cereal, oyster crackers.


The kinders learned how to flip a penny, recognize heads or tails, and record the results of the penny toss. They had lots of practice with this skill because they worked towards flipping a penny 100 times!!!


Throughout the day, our class was able to enjoy 100 minutes of play time (recess, break times, and play centers). Here are some of the play centers the kinders enjoyed.

  • GUMBALL MACHINE CRAFT: Kinders used do-a-dots to make 100 gum balls. 
  • 100 BLOCKS: Kindes built structures out of 100 wooden blocks and pattern blocks.
  • RACE TO 100: Kinders practiced counting to 100 and “counting on” from a given number. 
  • 100 CUPS: Kinders made towers & castles using 100 red plastic cups. 
  • 100 TEDDY BEARS & VEHICLES: Kinders used teddy bears and vehicles to sort.
  • 100 DAY COLORING PAGE:  Kinders colored a picture. 
  • WOLF’S 100 CHICKS:  Kinders matched 100 chicks to the numbers 1-100.

We are excited to have more days of learning in kindergarten ahead of us.