5 Stars = Extra long Choices!

We have a scoreboard in our class.  It looks like something like this.

Everyday Mrs. Bohl is keeping track of when the kinders follow directions in a snap. When we follow her directions in a snap the first time we (the kinders = you) earn a point and a collective, “Oh yeah!” can be heard.  When Mrs. Bohl has to repeat directions and it takes the kinders another try to follow directions then she (Mrs. Bohl = me) earns a point.  A collective, “Oh man” can be heard. When the kinders have more points on the scoreboard than Mrs. Bohl, a blue star goes up on the wall. 

This week we reached our goal of 5 stars!  Hooray! 

We rewarded our hard work by having an extra long time of CHOICES.  Here are a few pictures of what the kinders did during this time.  Way to go, kinders!  Congratulations!



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